
Removal of Cysts Q & A

What are cysts?

Dr. Ebede commonly treats epidermoid cysts, which are noncancerous lumps or bumps beneath the skin. They often appear on your neck, trunk, or face but can develop anywhere. They grow slowly and are often painless.

While less common, sebaceous cysts arise from glands that secrete oil matter designed to lubricate your skin and hair. 

Cysts may appear as or cause the following:

  • Round, small bumps under your skin
  • Smelly, thick, or yellow drainage from your skin
  • Tiny blackheads plugging the opening of a cyst
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Redness 
  • Inflammation
  • Infection

Cysts may begin as small bumps and gradually increase in size over time.

Why do people get cysts?

While cysts can happen to anyone, the risk factors for developing them include:

  • Family history of cysts
  • Being past puberty
  • Having rare genetic disorders
  • Skin injuries

However, the exact cause of cyst development isn’t entirely clear, and you can’t necessarily prevent them.

Why does my specialist offer the removal of cysts?

Dr. Ebede discusses your symptoms, looks at any possible cysts, and reviews your cosmetic goals before determining which method for the removal of cysts is right for you. The procedure may be appropriate if a cyst is infected, tender, ruptured, unsightly, irritated, or you simply don’t like it.

What are the different methods used to remove cysts?

Dr. Ebede at Plaza Park Dermatology offers numerous cyst removal methods, including:


After using local anesthesia, Dr. Ebede cleans the area, makes a tiny incision, and drains a cyst. She might pack it with gauze and suggest antibiotics to prevent or treat an infection. The wound often heals within a week or two.

Fine-needle aspiration

Using a very fine needle, Dr. Ebede uses aspiration to drain fluid from a cyst and make it less noticeable. It fades away over time.


Injections of medicine into cysts can decrease inflammation and swelling.


Dr. Ebede may also remove cysts by numbing the treatment area, cleaning it, and cutting a cyst out using a scalpel. She then closes the incision using stitches and ensures minimal scarring. 

To take advantage of the removal of cysts at Plaza Park Dermatology, schedule an appointment by phone or online today.