
Laser Treatment

Laser Treatment services in
Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, NY

Laser Treatment services offered in
Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, NY

Do you have unwanted face or body hair but are tired of waxing, shaving, or plucking? At Plaza Park Dermatology in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York City, board-certified dermatologist and fellowship-trained Mohs surgeon Tobechi Ebede, MD, FAAD, offers laser treatments that address this concern. Schedule an evaluation at Plaza Park Dermatology by phone or online today.

Laser Treatment Q & A

What is laser treatment for hair removal?

Laser treatment at Plaza Park Dermatology uses advanced technology and pulsed laser energy to get rid of bothersome hair, so you can skip waxing, shaving, and using electrolysis. Dr. Ebede offers laser hair removal for your:

  • Chin
  • Face
  • Upper lip
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Underarms
  • Arms
  • Legs 
  • Buttock
  • Bikini area
  • Calves

Dr. Ebede can remove bothersome hair from nearly anywhere on your body, with the exception of sensitive areas near your eyes.

What are the benefits of laser treatment for hair removal?

The advantages of choosing laser treatment for hair removal include precise methods, long-lasting outcomes, or permanent hair-reduction results for 90% of patients. You can save time and money in the long run and experience an exceptional quality of life. 

Is laser treatment right for me?

Dr. Ebede discusses your medical history and examines your skin containing unwanted hair if you’re a candidate for laser treatment. She also reviews your cosmetic goals and lets you know what to expect during each laser treatment. 

Because lasers target hair pigment, the best candidates for laser hair removal have lighter skin with darker hair. However, nearly everyone can benefit from laser treatments.

How should I get ready for laser treatment?

To prepare for laser hair removal, avoid other hair removal techniques before your scheduled appointment. Protect your skin from the sun, avoid tanning beds, and don’t use sunless tanning creams for several weeks before your treatment.

What happens during laser treatments?

Dr. Ebede numbs the treatment area and uses laser energy to destroy specific hair follicles, improve pigmentation issues, or stimulate new cell generation. While the treatment isn’t painful, you may feel a sensation of a rubber band snapping against your skin. The treatment might last for just a few minutes or more or an hour for larger areas.

What can I expect after laser treatments?

After each session, treated skin is usually tender, swollen, or red. Ice the treatment areas if needed and avoid unprotected sun exposure.

Because hair growth takes place cyclically, hair begins to shed over time. Multiple laser treatments are needed to achieve the most effective results. You might need 3-5 treatment sessions spaced several weeks or months apart.

Schedule an appointment at Plaza Park Dermatology by phone or online today to take advantage of laser treatments.